Saturday, October 24, 2009

On Google Maps, why are there no details for the Isle of Man?;hl=en%26amp;...

It's just a blank roads, no nothing. You can see a satellite view but nothing close up! Why is this?
On Google Maps, why are there no details for the Isle of Man?
google is poo (sometimes)

Try MSN's maps for detail!!;cp...
Reply:Not a clue, seeing as it's the haven for good looking women, the best beer and the best times! Mind you, the Americans wouldn't know too much about that, so kinda figures!

Elan Vannin forever!
Reply:isle of man, whats that???????

The camera cannot catch them because of the speed.
Reply:Have you ever seen Wrong Turn? It's a film about a wild, untamed and unmapped region where inbred wierdos roam about killing outsiders, eating woodland creatures and bumming their immediate family. Well, we have a similar situation here.
Reply:It is only an Island and don't forget, Google is American, they think biggest is best, so only large countries get the details added, while small countries don't exist.
Reply:Frustrating isn't it! Jersey is the same! It's the yanks ye know! Little places just don't do it for em.
Reply:If you search hard enough there are lots of blank areas on maps even the OS maps, in fact OS maps can be the biggest culprit. Os map are maps are made by the military and all covert installations and areas are removed.

This may not be the case with google, but it probably is.
Reply:Because no one cares about intensively interbed peoples who have no speed limits on their roads and give Nigel Mansell a place to live.
girl name

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